The how and why of Responsible AI

Essential reading for anyone interested in Artificial Intelligence|A comprehensive ‘how to’ Guide for Responsible AI
Checkmate Humanity: the how and why of responsible AI is the first in a series of Checkmate Humanity books, the next one being focused on Checkmate Humanity: the metaverse
“AI systems are learning to master the game of humans. Researchers around the world are developing AI systems to out-think-us, out-negotiate us, and out-maneuver us. Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves?
We certainly can’t stop AI from getting more powerful. And while many are working to put safeguards in place, there’s a notable lack of urgency, especially in industry. Which is why this book, Checkmate Humanity, is so important – it clearly conveys the very real risks of AI and the urgent need for proactive measures.”

Louis Rosenberg, CEO & Chief Scientist, Unanimous AI
“Checkmate Humanity is a resource that can help unlock the technical world of AI. The authors have come together with the aim of informing and guiding the wider public on the societal implications of AI. It offers a firm foundation of scientific fact and applies this to a range of threats and opportunities. As readers, we emerge better armed, and better informed, to face a world being fundamentally reshaped by AI.”

Ed Santow, Industry Professor – Responsible Technology at the University of Technology Sydney, previous Australian Human Rights Commissioner

Written by

Sam Kirshner

Richard Vidgen