Is there a trade-off between privacy & discrimination in algorithmic decision making?

The Issue

Algorithms need data to make correlations and accurate predictions. When sensitive data is omitted from the workings of an AI system due to genuine privacy considerations, how can an organisation meet both privacy and anti-discrimination requirements at the same time?
Direct discrimination occurs when somebody is treated unfavourably because of an attribute such as age, disability, race, sexuality etc1.. These attributes are often called protected attributes or classes because these groups are protected from discrimination under law. In Australia, there is both federal and State and Territory anti-discrimination laws and while the laws overlap they can be applied differently so organisations would need to comply with both sets of laws2. Much has been written about discrimination and AI often with a focus on fairness or biased data. A useful framework in exploring bias in algorithms was set out in Cofone, Aug 20193.

He categorised bias across three dimensions:

1. Human bias: There can be bias among the people who create the algorithm that gets translated into the data-processing mechanism

2. Sample bias: there can be bias in the data sample that is used by the algorithm

3. Societal bias: there can be data that has inequality embedded in a way that leads to discriminatory outcomes.

Indirect discrimination occurs when there is a policy or rule that appears to be neutral and the same for everyone but in fact has the effect of disadvantaging someone with a particular attribute. A useful example comes from the insurance industry4. According to the Institute of Actuaries Australia, engine size of a vehicle is found to be a good predictor of car insurance claim costs. The causal relationship being that the larger the engine the more powerful the car, the more damage it can do when it hits something. It is also generally accepted that engine size is correlated with gender. Males tend to drive cars with bigger engines. This means that if engine size is used in rating car insurance premiums, it might be said to cause indirect discrimination against men.
Many datasets are likely to include data which is correlated, at least to some degree, with a protected attribute yet the actual protected attribute is not within the dataset itself. Since there are a large number of protected attributes included under legislation, this means that the removal of protected attributes from a dataset is no protection from discrimination. As The Gradient Institute reveals5, (a partner of Ethical AI Advisory) omitting the protected attribute from the data set can actually lead to worse outcomes in some scenarios.

So how can organisations navigate through these tricky sometimes conflicting legal requirements of protecting people’s privacy on the one hand yet having enough information to assess both direct and indirect discrimination on the other?

Our View

There is not going to be a single solution to addressing these issues but a first step starts with the assumption that algorithms are never entirely autonomous in the sense they can’t be tweaked, modified, adjusted or deleted. Human are setting the goals, parameters and inputs to any algorithm or AI system. As one commentator has suggested, “algorithms are not a new type of agent, but a new way in which we interact with people.” In this sense, humans are responsible and can take actions. Additionally, there are a variety of technical tools which are emerging to assess and mitigate bias and discrimination.

For governments and policy makers there is a real opportunity for regulators to work together in developing regulatory sandboxes which can enable organisations to confidently experiment with sensitive information in a safe environment to detect and mitigate biases or privacy issues. In this current environment where AI technologies and their applications are racing ahead of existing legal frameworks, regulators need to be working closely with industry to support ethical innovation, rather than only responding when legal breaches occur.

[1] In the Australian Capital Territory the following attributes are: disability • sex • race • sexuality • age • gender identity • relationship status • status as a parent or carer • pregnancy • breastfeeding • religious or political conviction • guide dog or other assistance animal • industrial activity • profession, trade, occupation or calling • spent criminal conviction • association with a person who has an attribute listed above.
[3] Ignacio N. Cofone, Algorithmic Discrimination Is an Information Problem, 70 Hastings L.J. 1389 (2019).
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